Morgan & Morgan asesoró a CIFI en la primera emisión corporativa de valores a través del enlace iLink de Latinclear con Euroclear Bank
miércoles, 19 junio 2024
by webmaster
Panamá, 19 de junio de 2024. Morgan & Morgan asesoró a la Corporación Interamericana Para El Financiamiento de Infraestructura, S.A. (“CIFI”), como emisor, en la emisión y venta de bonos verdes a través de la Bolsa Latinoamericana de Valores (“Latinex”) por un monto de US$10,000,000, que es la primera emisión de un valor de un
The Role of Foreign Attorneys in Arbitration Proceedings Seated in Panama, as Recognized by the Panamanian Supreme Court
miércoles, 19 junio 2024
by webmaster
This article was originally published on Global Arbitration Review, June 17th, 2024. During the past few years, the Panamanian Supreme Court has issued interesting rulings defining controversial issues ultimately in favor of Panama as a pro-arbitration jurisdiction. Recently, Panama’s highest court faced the challenge of defining whether foreign licensed attorneys are able to represent parties