Morgan & Morgan realiza evento tributario en Chiriquí
El 27 de mayo de 2014, se llevó a cabo en el Hotel Ciudad David, de la provincia de Chiriquí, el evento tributario titulado “Retos y Oportunidades de los Contribuyentes”. El evento fue organizado por el equipo de Derecho Fiscal de Morgan & Morgan, liderado por el socio Enrique Jiménez, con el apoyo de los
- Published in Adolfo Campos, Barraza Amanda, News, Taxation-es
Morgan & Morgan participó en Conversatorio Tributario
El pasado 24 de enero se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Panamá el Conversatorio Tributario organizado por el Instituto Panameño de Tributaristas (INSPAT). El Lic. Adolfo Campos, especialista fiscal y asociado de Morgan & Morgan, presentó el tema del ¨Impuesto de Timbre¨ ante una concurrida audiencia que asistió al evento. La Licda. Amanda
- Published in Adolfo Campos, Barraza Amanda, News, Taxation-es
Morgan & Morgan realiza labor pro bono en El Chorrillo
Como parte de nuestra estrategia de RSE, el pasado sábado 12 de octubre de 2013, un equipo de abogados y voluntarios de Morgan & Morgan y Fundalcom participaron en una Jornada de Orientación Legal llevada a cabo en Gonzalillo, provincia de Panamá, en colaboración con el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y su programa: Redes Territoriales.
- Published in Barraza Amanda, News, Probono
Amanda Barraza de Wong participó en la conferencia Business Future of the Americas
La Cámara Americana de Comercio e Industria de Panamá (PanAmcham), como miembro de la Asociación de Cámaras Americanas de Comercio en América Latina y el Caribe (AACCLA), organizó en Panamá la conferencia «Business Future of the Americas» de 15 a 16 julio de 2014. La Licda. Amanda Barraza de Wong, asociada del Departamento Fiscal de
- Published in Barraza Amanda, News, Taxation-es
Asociados de Morgan & Morgan participaron en programa de actualización regional en Tributación Internacional
Del 29 de febrero al 3 de marzo de 2016, se llevó a cabo en San José, Costa Rica, el programa de actualización en Tributación Internacional sobre las regiones de Centroamérica, Panamá y México. En dicho evento, los abogados Amanda Barraza de Wong y Adolfo Campos, asociados del Departamento Fiscal de Morgan & Morgan, fueron
- Published in Adolfo Campos, Barraza Amanda, News, Taxation-es
Regularization and Moratorium
REGULARIZATION. By means of Law 51 of 2013 published in the Official Gazette 27368-C of September 6th, 2013, the taxpayers have the opportunity to adjust the Income Tax, which consist in being up to date with this tax obligation. The opportunity to make a single payment is given, the latter being the result of: adding
- Published in Adolfo Campos, Barraza Amanda, Enrique Jimenez, News
Double Taxation Treaties´ Benefits Application
Since January 1, 2013, Panama counts with Double Taxation Treaties (DTT) being the first to enter into effect with Mexico and the eleventh and last one as of today with Ireland. These DTT offer benefits and to enjoy these, the taxpayer must comply with a proceeding according to what is provided on Article 762-Ñ of
- Published in Adolfo Campos, Barraza Amanda, Enrique Jimenez, News
Morgan & Morgan lawyers participate on Law and Tax Forum by Amcham
Attorneys Carlos Ernesto Gonzalez Ramirez, Ana Cristina Castrellon and Amanda Barraza de Wong, partner and associates of Morgan & Morgan, respectively, took part in the Law and Tax Forum, “Competitive Advantages of Panama to create Added Value: Opportunities and Challenges of the main Special Laws”. The event, organized by the American Chamber of Commerce and
- Published in Ana Castrellon, Barraza Amanda, News, Taxation_news
Morgan &; Morgan participated in III International Congress on Tax Law
From June 9 to 11, 2014, the III International Congress on Tax Law: Tax and Development, was held at the Sheraton Convention Center, organized by the Administrative Tax Court. Morgan & Morgan participated through its associate Amanda Barraza de Wong, who exposed on the subject, “Overseeing and Determining Tax”. The activity offered participants the opportunity
- Published in Adolfo Campos, Barraza Amanda, News, Taxation_news
Morgan & Morgan sponsored tax event for Spanish companies
On June 11, 2014, a tax event was held at the Auditorium in MMG Tower entitled “Talking about Taxation”. The same was organized by the Embassy of Spain in Panama with the support of Morgan & Morgan’s tax team, headed by partner Enrique Jimenez, and associates Amanda Barraza de Wong and Adolfo Campos Barranco. As
- Published in Adolfo Campos, Barraza Amanda, News, Taxation_news