The first transit
By Enrique de Alba Arango, Partner of Morgan & Morgan Law Firm On June 27 of the present year, a historic event for the Canal and the International Merchant Marine Registry of the Republic of Panama occurs. One day after the new locks of the Panama Canal were inaugurated with the transit of the container
- Published in 2016, Enrique De Alba, News, Press Room, Ship Finance and Registration_news
Debida Diligencia: Un desafío para el sector inmobiliario en Panamá
El desarrollo de la industria inmobiliaria en Panamá en los últimos años ha sido notable, no solo localmente sino también regionalmente. Obras arquitectónicas iconos de Panamá como el Trump Tower, Torre F&F (conocida popularmente como el “Tornillo”), entre otras, dan de pie a críticas positivas por parte los distintos actores en dicho sector y de
- Published in Bienes Raíces_noticia, Press Room, Real Estate
World Bank Group launched Doing Business 2016
Partners Mercedes Arauz de Grimaldo and Ramon Varela, and associates Aristides Anguizola, Mayte Sánchez and Angie Guzmán, contributed in the Panama research process of the 13th edition of Doing Business 2016: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency, a publication of the World Bank Group that summarizes relevant issues that enhance business activity across 189 economies. The
- Published in Press Room
Alternative Investment Funds in Cyprus
By Marios Charalambides, MMG Trust (Cyprus) Ltd., subsidiary office of the Morgan & Morgan Group In July 2014 the Cyprus House of Representatives approved the enactment of the Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) Law of 2014. The Law aligns the Cyprus Alternative Investment Funds legal framework with EU Regulations, particularly with the EU Alternative Investment Funds
- Published in Press Room
The security trust in financing the purchase of real estate
By Giselle Moncada, Associate, Morgan & Morgan, Chiriquí office The possibility of buying real estate rests normally on the capacity of an individual or company to acquire debt, reason why credit entities play an essential role in the success of the real estate market. Lately, we have noticed that in addition to the traditional loan
- Published in Giselle Moncada, Press Room, Publications, Real Estate_news
Taxation Newsletter, Fifth Edition, April 2015
We are pleased to share with you our Taxation Newsletter, Fifth Edition, April 2015. For further information do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] [st_button text_color=»#ffffff» link=»» background=»#094933″ size=»btn» target=»_blank» icon=»arrow-circle-down»]Download[/st_button] Nos complace compartir con ustedes la Edición No.5, Abril 2015 del boletín informativo del Departamento Fiscal de Morgan & Morgan. Para mayor información
- Published in Press Room, Taxation
Real Estate Trusts in Panama: the new frontier
Marielena García Maritano, Senior Vice-President of Investment Banking, MMG Bank Corp., a member of Morgan & Morgan Group Growth of the real estate industry in Panama is evident everywhere. Skyscrapers that could very well be found in large cities such as Singapore, Hong Kong or Miami, rise proud in former residential and colonial areas of
- Published in Press Room, Real Estate
Taxation Newsletter, Third Edition, March 2015
We are pleased to share with you our Taxation Newsletter, Third Edition, March 2015. For further information do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
- Published in Press Room, Taxation
Taxation Newsletter, Fourth Edition, March 2015
We are pleased to share with you our Taxation Newsletter, Fourth Edition, March 2015. For further information do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] [st_button text_color=»#ffffff» link=»» background=»#094933″ size=»btn» target=»_blank» icon=»arrow-circle-down»]Download[/st_button] Nos complace compartir con ustedes la Edición No.4, Marzo 2015 del boletín informativo del Departamento Fiscal de Morgan & Morgan. Para mayor información
- Published in Press Room, Taxation
La República de Panamá: Un Hub para las Multinacionales
¿Qué ha causado que colosos corporativos tales como Maersk (transporte marítimo), Proctor & Gamble (bienes de consumo), LG (electrónica), Caterpillar (equipo de construcción), CEMEX (materiales de construcción), Nike (equipos y ropa deportiva) y Heineken (cervecería) por nombrar solo unos cuantos, elijan establecer sus sedes en este pequeño país con una población de 3.5 millones de
- Published in Carlos Ernesto Gonzalez_publi, Press Room