Morgan & Morgan Group celebrates 90th Anniversary
After 90 years with a successful track record and commitment to its customers, employees, and community, Morgan & Morgan celebrates on 2013 an important anniversary. The beginnings of the Morgan & Morgan Group date back to 1923, when Dr. Eduardo Morgan Alvarez received his law certificate, issued by the Supreme Court of Panama and began
- Published in News
Official Launch of the Belize Chapter of the Society Of Trust & Estate Practitioners
On 22 November, 2012, the formal launch of the Belize Chapter of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (“STEP”) was held at the stylishly modern Six Lounge, located on the top floor of The Matalon Business Center, in Belize City. Highly informative and supporting speeches were given by Mr. Michael Singh, CEO from Ministry
- Published in News, Rishi Mungal
Morgan & Morgan represent Minera Panama in the development of a US$ 4 billion mining project
Morgan & Morgan representa a Minera Panamá, S.A., en el desarrollo de un proyecto minero de cobre en el Distrito de Donoso, Provincia de Colón, en la República de Panamá. Este proyecto tendrá un valor de más de US$4 mil millones y es uno de los proyectos más grandes y más importantes siendo desarrollados en
- Published in expertise-es, Securities and Capital Markets-es
Morgan & Morgan represent Minera Panama in the development of a US$ 4 billion mining project
Morgan & Morgan represent Minera Panama, S.A., in the development of a copper mining project in the District of Donoso, Province of Colon, in the Republic of Panama. This project will be valued over US$4 billion and is one of the largest and most important projects under development in Panama. Inocencio Galindo is the partner
- Published in expertise, Government Procurement and Contracts, Kharla Aizpurua, Mining, Projects, Roberto Vidal
Morgan & Morgan advised CIFI with respect to a loan in an aggregate principal amount of up to US$60 million
Morgan & Morgan advised CIFI (Corporación Interamericana para el Financiamiento de Infraestructura, S.A.), as lender, with respect to a loan granted to FCC Construcción de Centroamérica, S.A., as borrower, in the aggregate principal amount of up to US$60 million, to be used for the financing of new infrastructure projects in the Republic of Panama. From
- Published in expertise, Inocencio Galindo, Projects, Roberto Vidal
Morgan & Morgan advised CIFI with respect to a loan in an aggregate principal amount of up to US$60 million
Morgan & Morgan advised CIFI (Corporación Interamericana para el Financiamiento de Infraestructura, S.A.), as lender, with respect to a loan granted to FCC Construcción de Centroamérica, S.A., as borrower, in the aggregate principal amount of up to US$60 million, to be used for the financing of new infrastructure projects in the Republic of Panama. From
- Published in expertise, Inocencio Galindo, Roberto Vidal
Morgan & Morgan advised Construcciones Hospitalarias, S.A., an affiliate of FCC, in the financing for the construction of the Ciudad Hospitalaria project
Morgan & Morgan acted as counsel to Construcciones Hospitalarias, S.A., an affiliate of de Construcciones y Contratas, S.A. (FCC), as assignor, in a US$250 million Master Framework Assignment and Revolving Limited Recourse Receivables Agreement (the “Master Framework Agreement”) for HSBC Bank (Panama), S.A. (“HSBC”), which acted as assignee and administrative agent. Other assignees besides HSBC
- Published in expertise, Francisco Arias, Kharla Aizpurua, Projects
Morgan & Morgan advised Construcciones Hospitalarias, S.A., an affiliate of FCC, in the financing for the construction of the Ciudad Hospitalaria project
Morgan & Morgan acted as counsel to Construcciones Hospitalarias, S.A., an affiliate of de Construcciones y Contratas, S.A. (FCC), as assignor, in a US$250 million Master Framework Assignment and Revolving Limited Recourse Receivables Agreement (the “Master Framework Agreement”) for HSBC Bank (Panama), S.A. (“HSBC”), which acted as assignee and administrative agent. Other assignees besides HSBC
- Published in Banking Law, expertise, Francisco Arias, Kharla Aizpurua
Morgan & Morgan signs cooperation agreement with Operation Smile Panama
On December 6, 2012, Operation Smile and Morgan & Morgan signed a cooperation agreement between the two organizations. Through this pact, Morgan & Morgan will provide Operation Smile with different pro bono legal services. The agreement was signed by Aristides Royo, a partner at Morgan & Morgan, and Eugene Altiere, from Operation Smile. Operation Smile
- Published in expertise, News, Royo Aristides
Morgan & Morgan advises Wells Fargo in a US$100 million securitization and acquisition of DPRs
Morgan & Morgan advised Wells Fargo Bank, National Association (Wells Fargo), in their role as investor in a new diversified payment rights program, comprising of the securitization of future funds flows as represented by payment orders (called Diversified Payment Rights or DPRs) for the amount of US$100 million, to be established by Banco General, S.A.
- Published in Ramon Varela, Ricardo Arias, Roberto Vidal, Securities and Capital Markets