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Tax Advice Notice: Morgan & Morgan, its affiliates and employees only provide tax advice in the jurisdictions where they are authorized to act as attorneys. Clients from other countries should always consult their respective local tax advisors before engaging in any transaction.
No Guarantee of Results: Many of the practice summaries and individual attorney biographies on this website describe results obtained in matters handled for Morgan & Morgan clients. These descriptions are meant only to provide information about the activities and experience of our attorneys. They are not intended as a guarantee that the same or similar results can be obtained in every matter undertaken by our attorneys; and you should not assume that a similar result can be obtained in a legal matter of interest to you. The outcome of a particular matter can depend on a variety of factors—including the specific factual and legal circumstances, the ability of opposing counsel, and, often, unexpected developments beyond the control of any client or attorney.
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Authorized Practice of Law: The jurisdictions in which each of our attorneys is licensed to practice are indicated in the individual attorney biographies. Morgan & Morgan and/or any of its affiliates do not seek to solicit, legal employment outside our attorneys’ jurisdictions of licensure that would constitute the unauthorized practice of law.
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The information is believed to be correct but cannot be guaranteed. Opinions constitute our judgment and are subject to change. The information contained in our site is for general information only and is not intended to constitute legal or fiscal advice.
Questions about this website should be directed to Pablo Nuñez