The Ministry of Public Security through Executive Decree No. 235 of September 15, 2021 (hereinafter the “Decree”) establishes the requirements for the renewal of the provisional permit and the permanent residence applicable to foreigners who have obtained their provisional permits under the Extraordinary or General Migratory Regularization Processes, as follow:
- Permanent residence permit.
All foreigners who have obtained a provisional residence permit through the Extraordinary or General Migratory Regularization Processes, whether for 6 or 10 years, may apply for a permanent residence permit.
- Renewal of provisional residence permit.
All foreigners who have a 2-year provisional permit will be able to apply for a 6-year renewal, and after this period, they will be able to apply for a permanent residence permit.
- Requirements for the provisional residence and permanent residence.Foreigners who apply for the renewal of the provisional residence or for the permanent residence must meet the following requirements.
- Comply with the requirements established in article 28 of Decree Law 3 of 2008.
- If the applicant has 2 years or more without leaving Panama, the Panamanian Police Record must be provided.
- 2 passport-size photos.
- Complete the online Regularization Process form.
- Proof of domicile of the applicant.
- The request must be processed through a Panamanian Attorney.
- If the applicant is under 18 years, he/she must have a notarized authorization of both parents or the parent who has his/ her custody, with the kinship proof.
- Requirements for the provisional residence and permanent residence.
All foreigners who wish to apply for the permanent residence, in addition to the requirements mentioned above, must provide the documentations that demonstrates the condition to obtain their permanent residence, which may be as follows
For family reasons.
The applicant must meet the requirements established for the immigration categories of (i) married to a Panamanian or (ii) dependents of permanent residents.
Foreigners who apply for family reasons, under the condition of married to a Panamanian, will be exempted from paying the repatriation deposit.
For work reasons.
Foreigners who have a valid Work Permit as “Crisol de Razas”, must provide: (i) a copy of the work permit card, (ii) a copy of the resolution that grants the work permit and (iii) a certification from the Social Security that proves his/her affiliation as an insured.
If the applicant does not have a valid work permit when he/she is submitting the application for the permanent residence permit, the foreigner must provide it before the resolution granting it is issued.
- For tax reasons.
Foreigners who are registered with the General Directorate of Revenues as a taxpayer, must provide: (i) notice of operation, when applicable, (ii) the last 2 income tax statements and (iii) an income tax clearance certificate.
- New cost to be paid by the applicant.
The cost to be paid by the applicant for the renewal of provisional residence or permanent residence will be as follow:
Cost for immigration services: (i) B/.250.00 for the 6-year renewal and (ii) B/.750.00 for the permanent residence.
Payment to the National Treasury: B/.250.00 (this payment is only made once, either in the renewal or in the permanent residence).
Repatriation Deposit: B/.800.00 (this payment is only made once, either in the renewal or in the permanent residence).
Provisional or permanent residence card: B/.50.00; and temporary card: B/.50.00
- Multiple entry and exit visa and temporary card.
By proven necessity, the National Immigration Authority (SNM) may issue the multiple entry and exit visa to any foreigner who requires it during the processing of their provisional or permanent residence permit.The SNM will issue a temporary card for the duration of the provisional or permanent residence process. - Transitory measures.All foreigners who have started their process to apply for the renewal of the provisional residence or permanent residence will have 2 months to continue and finish their process started in accordance with the legal provisions in force at the moment they applied.Those who are going to initiate their process to apply for the renewal of a provisional residence, who have an appointment duly approved by the SNM or who are pending to present or complete the documentation required to formalize their application, must finish their immigration process by December 31, 2021.
With this Decree, it is established new requirements to apply for the permanent residence for family, labor, or tax reasons. Previously, the requirements to request the renewal of provisional residence and permanent residence were very similar.
With this Decree the cost paid for immigration services is modified and in addition, it is included the payment to the National Treasury, the repatriation deposit, the temporary card and the residence card.
Previously, the applicant couldn’t obtain a temporary card while his/her application was in process. However, now with this Decree the applicant will receive a temporary card when he/she submit the application to SNM.
- This Decree became effective as of September 22, 2021.