- February 18, 2019 | Morgan & Morgan represented Electron Investment, S.A. in an arbitration process filed by Constructora Seli Panamá, S.A. before the International Chamber of Commerce
- September 25, 2018 | Morgan & Morgan distinguished as a Panamanian top law firm in Chambers Latin America 2019
- September 13, 2018 | Morgan & Morgan advised the Hitachi, Ltd., Mitsubishi Corporation, and Ansaldo STS, S.p.A. with an Agreement to provide a monorail system for Line 3 of the Metro of Panama
- February 27, 2018 | Morgan & Morgan advised Banistmo Investment Corporation with respect to the financing of the first LNG terminal in Panama
- March 20, 2017 | Morgan & Morgan advised Thesan with respect to a US$11.5 million finance for the development and operation of solar energy project El Espinal
- March 16, 2016 | Morgan & Morgan advised OeEB, FMO and Proparco in connection with a Loan Agreement for an amount of up to US$45 million
- January 20, 2016 | Morgan & Morgan advised Minera Panama, S.A. and First Quantum Minerals Ltd. in connection with a Streaming Agreement for an amount of US$1,000,000,000.00
- January 6, 2016 | Morgan & Morgan advised Metro de Panama, S.A. in connection with EPC Contract for Line 2 of the Metro of Panama
- November 16, 2015 | Morgan & Morgan advised First Transit in connection with a Consulting Services Agreement for the operation of the Metro Bus system
- May 7, 2015 | Morgan & Morgan advised BofA Merrill Lynch and Citigroup in an offering of notes for an amount of up to US$350 million