Morgan & Morgan has a broad experience advising clients in the Panamanian energy market. The firm represents in a wide variety of transactional issues including regulatory, licensing, permits, environmental, contractual and compliance matters.

We take pride on our continuous advice to clients involved in the generation of energy, including our participation in all stages of the development of the largest hydro, wind, carbon, thermal and solar projects.

Our expert attorneys participated in various activities such  as the legislation drafting , representing bidders for generation concessions and advising on  regulatory matters before the regulatingentity for public services.

On environmental matters, our attorneys have acted as consultants to the National Environmental Authority (ANAM, for its initials in Spanish) in the drafting of three regulations: environmental impact statement analysis and procedures, private participation, and environmental standard enacting processes. Thus, our expertise involves substantial knowledge of environmental laws and regulations, as well as regulatory experience in the drafting of Government regulations.

Chambers & Partners
"Dynamic team offering significant expertise in advising energy companies on the development of projects, encompassing financial, regulatory and contractual matters. Also benefits from experience acting as counsel to companies involved in public bids for power generation contracts. Represents a number of key players in the renewables and mining spheres."

Head of practice

varelaVarela, Ramón
e.: [email protected]
t.: 507.265.7777