Novedades de las recientes modificaciones a la Ley de Contrataciones Públicas: Promoción de las empresas nacionales
17 de junio de 2020 (Primera Parte) A través del presente artículo nos avocaremos a efectuar un análisis de las novedades a la Ley de Contrataciones Públicas, introducidas a través de la reciente aprobación de la Ley 153 de 8 de mayo de 2020, destacando aquellos aspectos que en la práctica pudieran tener alguna dificultad
- Published in Intellectual Property_news, News, Publications
Modificaciones a la Ley de Contrataciones Públicas
Compartimos el Texto Único de la Ley 22 de 27 de junio de 2006, que regula la contratación pública, ordenado por la Ley 61 de 2017, incluyendo y reflejando para fácil referencia las modificaciones aprobadas mediante la Ley 153 de 8 de mayo de 2020. Tomar nota que estas modificaciones entrarán en efecto a partir
Morgan & Morgan is recognized for its Pro Bono program
Panama, June 9, 2020. For the seventh consecutive year, Morgan & Morgan has received the “Leading Lights” recognition in Latin America for the Pro Bono program that the law firm executes. In Panama, only Morgan & Morgan achieve this recognition, sharing honors with others of very high caliber across the region. This distinction was granted
- Published in News
Reopening of businesses post COVID-19 (Video)
Panama, June 5, 2020. We are glad to share the video “Reopening of businesses post-COVID-19 companies” presented by María Teresa Mendoza, partner at Morgan & Morgan, in alliance with The American Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Panama (AmCham). Click here to view: Reopening of businesses post COVID-19 (in Spanish)
- Published in Labor and immigration_covid, Maria Teresa Mendoza
COVID-19: Reopening of the National Immigration Authority and the Labor Immigration Department of the Ministry of Labor
Updated on June 1, 2020 National Immigration Authority: Residence Permits are valid until June 7, 2020. This measure is in place since from March 13. The suspension of administrative processes and user service will be lifted from June 8. In-person user servicewill be restored gradually and progressively: Between June 8 and June 12, only attorneys will be allowed to visit, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. As of June 15, the general public will be
- Published in Labor and immigration_covid
The ABC´s of labor and tax issues during the COVID-19 pandemic (Webinar)
Panama, May 27, 2020. The Innovation Center at the City of Knowledge held the Webinar “The ABC´s of labor and tax issues during the COVID-19 pandemic”. The conference was presented by Maria Teresa Mendoza, Labor Law expert and Partner at Morgan & Morgan, and Amanda Barraza de Wong, tax specialist and Senior Associate at Morgan
- Published in Taxation-es, Taxation
Management in times of COVID-19: Strategic Plan to restart activities and Tax Management (Webinar)
Panama, May 26, 2020. The Mexico-Panama Chamber of Commerce (“Camexpa,” for its initials in Spanish), in alliance with Tecnologico de Monterrey and Morgan & Morgan, held the Webinar “Management in times of COVID-19: Strategic Plan to restart activities and Tax Management”. Amanda Barraza de Wong, Tax Law expert and Senior Associate at Morgan & Morgan,
- Published in taxation_covid
Main Banking Regulation in times of COVID-19 (Rule 4-2013 and Rule 2-2020) (Webinar)
Panama, May 22, 2020. The German-Panamanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in alliance with the Swiss-Panamanian Chamber of Commerce, the Franco-Panamanian Chamber of Commerce, and the Panamanian-Dutch Chamber of Commerce, held the Webinar “Main Banking Regulation in times of COVID-19” (Rule 4-2013 and Rule 2-2020). This Webinar was presented by Kharla Aizpurua Olmos, partner at
- Published in Banking and Commercial Law_covid, startups_resources
COVID-19: Additional, exceptional and temporary measures adopted by the Superintendency of Banks of Panama and the Panama Banking Association.
Updated on May 21, 2020.Rule 2-2020, as amended by Rule 3-2020 of the Superintendency of Banks of Panama (hereinafter, “SBP,” for its initials in Spanish). On March 16, 2020, the SBP issued Rule 2-2020, which was subsequently amended by Rule 3-2020 (here in after referred to as “Rule 2-2020″) and “establishes additional, exceptional and temporary
- Published in Banking and Commercial Law_covid
Why incorporate your startup in Panama?
In the corporate world, there is a novel type of enterprise labeled “startup,” which is known for its rapid growth, partly, because of the fact that it is highly related to the general use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) and the latest business trends. Given the rapid growth and scale that characterizes a successful
- Published in startups