Banking and Finance_news
Morgan & Morgan advised Banistmo, S.A., in connection with a US$4 million finance related to the solar photovoltaic power plant “Santiago Gen 1”.
Panama, July 6, 2021. Morgan & Morgan advised Banistmo, S.A., with respect to a US$4million Project Finance to Solar Development Panamá, S.A., for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the solar photovoltaic power plant “Santiago Gen 1” with an installed capacity of 5MW located in the Township of El Barrero, District of Pese, Province of
IFLR1000 selects Kharla Aizpurúa Olmos as Women Leader in Panama
We are proud to announce that our partner Kharla Aizpurúa Olmos was selected as Women Leader in Panama by IFLR1000 Women Leaders 2021 edition, a supplement based on research for the IFLR1000, the guide to the world’s leading financial and corporate law firms and lawyers. The publication features 750 leading and most prominent female lawyers working in areas of
- Published in Banking and Finance_news, News
Morgan & Morgan Partners recommended by the Latin American Corporate Counsel Association (LACCA)
Panama, January 21, 2021. Partners Carlos Ernesto González Ramírez (Antitrust & Competition), and Inocencio Galindo (Banking & Finance) have been included at LACCA Approved 2021, a selection of Latin American leading lawyers in specific areas of law. Approved lawyers have been personally recommended by members of LACCA, who are all general counsel from the top
Superintendence of Non-Financial Regulated Persons issues new regulations in relation to attorneys and accountants
Panama, 24 July 2020. By means of Rule JD-01-2020, published in the Official Gazette No. 29076 of 24 July 2020, the Superintendence of Non-Financial Regulated Persons (SNFR) has established a set of rules and obligations imposed to attorneys and accountants whenever they incur in any of the regulated activities under Law 23 of 2015, which
- Published in 2020, Banking and Finance_news, Press Room, Publications
Morgan & Morgan contributed in The World Justice Project
Panama, June 19, 2020. Maria Eugenia Brenes, Mayte Sanchez Gonzalez, Milagros Caballero and Carlos Ernesto Gonzalez Ramirez, attorneys at Morgan & Morgan, contributed with the Panama chapter of The World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index. The publication, which was supported by experts from different countries, presents a portrait of the rule of law
Legal feasibility of electronic signatures in the Republic of Panama
Updated on May 5, 2020 Given the state of emergency declared by the Panamanian Government as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, the stay at home orders issued by the health authorities and the social distancing that is essential to control the outbreak, the technological tools available for companies to operate remotely are vital.
Morgan & Morgan contributed to the first edition of the Latin American corporate investigations guide
Panama, January 31, 2020. Partners Inocencio Galindo, Ricardo Aleman, Kharla Aizpurua Olmos, and associate Joy Paull Torres contributed with the first edition of the Latin American investigations guide, a frequently asked questions for conducting corporate investigations in various jurisdictions on Latin America. This publication of the international law firm Hogan Lovells provides an overview from
- Published in Banking and Finance_news, Criminal Law_news, Labor Law, News, Publications
The World of Turnkey Contracts, Partial Payment Accounts and Certificates of No Objection
January 13, 2020 For a long time, we have heard in different social media, for various reasons, some more positive than others, information related to Turnkey Contracts and the State indebtedness resulting from the Partial Payment Accounts (in Spanish, “Cuentas de Pago Parcial”) and Certificates of No Objection (in Spanish, “Certificados de No Objeción”). Do
Morgan & Morgan contributed in Chambers Insolvency-Second Edition Guide
Panama, January 7, 2020. Partners Jose Carrizo, Inocencio Galindo, Aristides Anguizola, and associate Analissa Carles contributed with the Chambers & Partners Insolvency Guide-Trends & Developments, providing their professional insights into Panama’s legal insolvency restructuring market. The online Panama chapter is available here. Or a PDF version is available to download here.
- Published in Banking and Finance_news, Litigation and Dispute Resolution_news, News
Morgan & Morgan promotes new partner to its Corporate Law practice
Panama, January 6, 2020. Morgan & Morgan is pleased to announce the promotion of Aristides Anguizola to the partnership of the firm. The designation of Mr. Anguizola comes to reinforce the firm´s already robust Corporate Law team. Mr. Anguizola has concentrated his practice in mining and has significant experience providing legal support for mineral exploration and
- Published in Banking and Finance_news, Mining, Mining_news, News, Projects_news