- October 20, 2017 | Citizens of the People’s Republic of China will require a Stamped Visa to enter in Panamanian territory
- October 3, 2017 | Senior Partner of Morgan & Morgan received recognition from the Superintendency of Banks of Panama
- September 15, 2017 | Increase in fines for employers hiring foreign personnel without valid work permit
- August 24, 2017 | Decreto Ejecutivo que crea el requisito de Visa Estampada para ciudadanos de nacionalidad venezolana
- August 1, 2017 | Morgan & Morgan participated in forum on labor immigration challenges in Panama
- July 4, 2017 | Morgan & Morgan participated in conference on risks in the recruitment of personnel in companies
- July 1, 2017 | Nestor J. Broce, new president of STEP-Panama
- June 28, 2017 | Attorneys of Morgan & Morgan participated in AmCham conference
- June 26, 2017 | Morgan & Morgan is recognized as an outstanding firm for its diversity initiatives
- June 9, 2017 | Regulation of tourists stay in Panama
- June 8, 2017 | Nueva Ley que crea la Licencia de Paternidad en Panamá
- June 1, 2017 | Morgan & Morgan Strengthens Immigration and Labor Law Practices