Morgan & Morgan among the five most renowned law firms in Central America: WWL Central America 2022.
Panama, April 30, 2022. With 25 positions in the ranking, Morgan & Morgan has been recognized by Who’s Who Legal (WWL) among the five leading law firms in Central America. The publication endorsed eighteen lawyers of the firm in ten practice areas of its ranking, one of the most important in the region: Inocencio Galindo:
- Published in Albalira Montúfar, Ana Castillo, Banking and Finance_news, Barraza Amanda, Carlos Ernesto Gonzalez, Corporate Services_news, Energy and Natural Resources_news, Estate Planning_news, Francisco Arias, Francisco Linares, Immigration Law_news, Inocencio Galindo, Jazmina Rovi, Jose Carrizo, Juan David Morgan Jr, Labor Law_news, Litigation and Dispute Resolution_news, Luis Manzanares, Luis Vallarino, Maria Teresa Mendoza, News, Ramon Varela, Real Estate_news, Rishi Mungal, Roberto Lewis, Shipping and Admiralty Litigation_news, Simon Tejeira, Taxation_news
Morgan & Morgan Partners recommended by the Latin American Corporate Counsel Association (LACCA)
Panama, December 14, 2021. Partners Carlos Ernesto González Ramírez (Antitrust & Competition), and Inocencio Galindo (Banking & Finance) have been included at LACCA Approved 2022, a selection of Latin American leading lawyers in specific areas of law. Approved lawyers have been personally recommended by members of LACCA, who are all general counsel from the top
Global investigations guide 2021
Panama, November 23, 2021. Partners Inocencio Galindo, Kharla Aizpurua Olmos, Ricardo Aleman, and associate Joy Paull Torres were invited to contribute with the Panama chapter of the Global investigations guide, a publication produced by international law firm Hogan Lovells. The guide provides complete analysis on topics related to corporate liability, anticorruption, bribery, regulatory compliance, and criminal law.
- Published in Criminal Law_news, Inocencio Galindo, Kharla Aizpurua, Labor Law_news, News, Ricardo Aleman
Morgan & Morgan achieved the highest number of rankings for Panama in Chambers Latin America.
Panama, September 3, 2021. Morgan & Morgan has achieved the highest number of rankings for Panama in Chambers Latin America Guide 2022, the key reference point of Latin American top law firms. The directory has assigned the firm twenty rankings in seven practice areas, the highest number for a Panamanian law firm. This year, the
- Published in 2020, Allen Candanedo, Ana Castillo, Banking and Finance_news, Energy and Natural Resources_news, Francisco Linares, Inocencio Galindo, Intellectual Property_news, Jazmina Rovi, Jose Carrizo, Juan David Morgan Jr, Litigation and Dispute Resolution_news, Luis Vallarino, Mayte Sanchez, News, Omar Rodriguez, Ramon Varela, Securities and Capital Markets_news, Ship Finance and Registration_news, Shipping and Admiralty Litigation_news, Simon Tejeira
Nueva Ley de Amnistía Tributaria en Panamá
6 de abril de 2021 Con la intención de contribuir a la reactivación de la economía nacional, se publica en la Gaceta oficial 29256-A la Ley 208 de 6 de abril de 2021 que a grandes rasgos comprende entre otros temas los siguientes: Contribuyentes morosos Pueden acogerse a la amnistía los contribuyentes ya sean personas
- Published in 2020, Angelica Ortiz, Barraza Amanda, Inocencio Galindo, Publications, Taxation_news
Morgan & Morgan Partners recommended by the Latin American Corporate Counsel Association (LACCA)
Panama, January 21, 2021. Partners Carlos Ernesto González Ramírez (Antitrust & Competition), and Inocencio Galindo (Banking & Finance) have been included at LACCA Approved 2021, a selection of Latin American leading lawyers in specific areas of law. Approved lawyers have been personally recommended by members of LACCA, who are all general counsel from the top
Morgan & Morgan advised Itaú Corpbanca in connection with two credit facilities for an amount of up to US$83,801,622.00 and COP 367,366,730,694.00
Panama, November 30, 2019. Morgan & Morgan acted as Panamanian Counsel to Itaú Corpbanca and the other lenders, in connection with two credit agreements granted by certain lenders and Itaú Corpbanca, as administrative agent, for amongst other, the refinancing of certain existing debt of Decameron group. The first for an amount of up to US$
Morgan & Morgan advised Banistmo, S.A. in connection with the public offering of senior secured notes for an amount of up to US$400 million issued through the ENA Master Trust
Panama, November 16, 2020. Morgan & Morgan acted as counsel to Banistmo, S.A., in connection with the issuance and placement of senior secured notes due 2048 with an interest rate of 4%, for an amount up to US$400,000,000.00, issued through the ENA Master Trust, a special trust vehicle created by Empresa Nacional de Autopistas, S.A.
Morgan & Morgan advised First Quantum Minerals Ltd. in connection with a Senior Notes Offering for an amount of up to US$1.5 Billion
Panama, October 26, 2020. Morgan & Morgan acted as Panamanian counsel to First Quantum Minerals, Ltd. in its offering (under Rule 144A of the U.S. Securities Regulation) of US$1,500,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of 6.875% senior notes due 2027. Partners Inocencio Galindo and Aristides Anguizola participated in this transaction.
Panamá establece amnistía tributaria y regla de pronto pago para el pago de impuestos
15 de septiembre de 2020 Dos iniciativas legislativas debidamente aprobadas y promulgadas nos brindan la oportunidad de poner al día nuestros tributos y obligaciones frente al Fisco Panameño. Hablamos de la extensión de la Amnistía Tributaria y la Ley de Pronto Pago que resumimos a continuación. Amnistía Tributaria Desde el ejercicio fiscal 2019, se inició
- Published in 2020, Angelica Ortiz, Barraza Amanda, Inocencio Galindo, Publications, Taxation_news