Morgan & Morgan outstands in WWL: Central America 2023.
Panama, August 1, 2023. Once again, Morgan & Morgan leads the Panama section of Who´s Who Legal (WWL): Central America 2023, achieving the most recommended number of lawyers in Panama. The publication endorsed nineteen lawyers of the firm in the following practice areas Banking, Finance & Projects: Francisco Arias G. Inocencio Galindo Ramón Varela Ana
- Published in News, Albalira Montúfar, Allen Candanedo, amanda_barraza_publi, Ana Castillo, Banking and Finance_news, Barraza Amanda, Carlos Ernesto Gonzalez, Corporate Services_news, Energy and Natural Resources_news, Francisco Arias, Francisco Linares, Inocencio Galindo, Intellectual Property_news, Jazmina Rovi, Jose Carrizo, Juan David Morgan Jr, Labor Law_news, Litigation and Dispute Resolution_news, Luis Manzanares, Luis Vallarino, Maria Teresa Mendoza, Projects_news, Ramon Varela, Real Estate_news, Ricardo Aleman, Rishi Mungal, Rishi_mungal_publi, Roberto Lewis, Rodrigo Arias, Shipping and Admiralty Litigation_news, Simon Tejeira, Taxation_news
Morgan & Morgan outstands in The Legal 500 Latin America 2023.
Panama, October 20, 2022. With 27 attorneys and seven ranked practices, Morgan & Morgan heads the Panama chapter of The Legal 500 Latin America 2023 edition. In addition, eight practice areas receive the top Tier 1 ranking in the publication. The 27 attorneys of the firm recommended by this reference publication are: Allen Candanedo: Intellectual Property. Amanda Barraza:
- Published in News, Allen Candanedo, amanda_barraza_publi, Ana Castillo, Aristides Anguizola, Banking and Finance_news, Barraza Amanda, Corporate Services_news, Energy and Natural Resources_news, Fanny Evans, Francisco Arias, Francisco Linares, Inocencio Galindo, Intellectual Property_news, Jazmina Rovi, Jose Carrizo, Juan David Morgan Jr, Kharla Aizpurua, Labor Law_news, Laura Barrios, Litigation and Dispute Resolution_news, Luis Manzanares, Luis Miguel Hincapie, Luis Raven, Luis Vallarino, Maria Teresa Mendoza, Mayte Sanchez, Mergers and Acquisitions_news, Milagros Caballero, Nestor Broce, Omar Rodriguez, Ramon Varela, Raul Castro, Ricardo Aleman, Ricardo Arias, Roberto Lewis, Roberto Vidal, Shipping and Admiralty Ligitation, Taxation_news
Morgan & Morgan among the five most renowned law firms in Central America: WWL Central America 2022.
Panama, April 30, 2022. With 25 positions in the ranking, Morgan & Morgan has been recognized by Who’s Who Legal (WWL) among the five leading law firms in Central America. The publication endorsed eighteen lawyers of the firm in ten practice areas of its ranking, one of the most important in the region: Inocencio Galindo:
- Published in Albalira Montúfar, Ana Castillo, Banking and Finance_news, Barraza Amanda, Carlos Ernesto Gonzalez, Corporate Services_news, Energy and Natural Resources_news, Estate Planning_news, Francisco Arias, Francisco Linares, Immigration Law_news, Inocencio Galindo, Jazmina Rovi, Jose Carrizo, Juan David Morgan Jr, Labor Law_news, Litigation and Dispute Resolution_news, Luis Manzanares, Luis Vallarino, Maria Teresa Mendoza, News, Ramon Varela, Real Estate_news, Rishi Mungal, Roberto Lewis, Shipping and Admiralty Litigation_news, Simon Tejeira, Taxation_news
Nueva Ley de Amnistía Tributaria en Panamá
6 de abril de 2021 Con la intención de contribuir a la reactivación de la economía nacional, se publica en la Gaceta oficial 29256-A la Ley 208 de 6 de abril de 2021 que a grandes rasgos comprende entre otros temas los siguientes: Contribuyentes morosos Pueden acogerse a la amnistía los contribuyentes ya sean personas
- Published in 2020, Angelica Ortiz, Barraza Amanda, Inocencio Galindo, Publications, Taxation_news
Panamá establece amnistía tributaria y regla de pronto pago para el pago de impuestos
15 de septiembre de 2020 Dos iniciativas legislativas debidamente aprobadas y promulgadas nos brindan la oportunidad de poner al día nuestros tributos y obligaciones frente al Fisco Panameño. Hablamos de la extensión de la Amnistía Tributaria y la Ley de Pronto Pago que resumimos a continuación. Amnistía Tributaria Desde el ejercicio fiscal 2019, se inició
- Published in 2020, Angelica Ortiz, Barraza Amanda, Inocencio Galindo, Publications, Taxation_news
Utilización de créditos ITBMS en Panamá
27 de agosto de 2020 Desde el año pasado, la Dirección General de Ingresos, mediante decretos ejecutivos y resoluciones reglamentarias dispuso los lineamientos para la utilización y aplicación de los créditos del Impuesto de Traslado de Bienes Materiales y Servicios (ITBMS) generados producto de las retenciones practicadas por los agentes de retención de este impuesto,
- Published in 2020, Angelica Ortiz, Barraza Amanda, News, Taxation_news
Chambers & Partners Corporate Tax Guide 2020
Panama, May 19, 2020. Partner Inocencio Galindo, senior associate Amanda Barraza, and associate Angelica Ortiz contributed with Chambers & Partners Corporate Tax Guide 2020. This edition highlights the key features of tax regimes, taxation of inbound investments, taxation of non-local corporations, anti-avoidance and BEPS.The online Panama chapter is available here. Or a PDF version is available
- Published in Angelica Ortiz, Barraza Amanda, Inocencio Galindo, News, Taxation_news
Morgan & Morgan Forum on Transfer Pricing
Morgan & Morgan, in partnership with Grupo Camacho Internacional (Costa Rica), presented a forum on Transfer Pricing Matters for a distinguished group of clients of the firm with the objective of updating them about important changes on this complex issue, which affects both local and multinationals companies with operations in Panama. The topics were presented
- Published in 2019, Adolfo Campos, amanda_barraza_publi, Angelica Ortiz, Barraza Amanda, Enrique Jimenez, News, Taxation_news
Morgan & Morgan presented tax updates
The Tax Team of Morgan & Morgan invited a group of clients to a breakfast-discussion table where the last updates and news on tax issues were presented. In front of a full house, partner Enrique Jimenez, and lawyers Adolfo Campos, Amanda Barraza and Carlos Sinisterra (CPA) talked with clients about the changes and amendments that
- Published in 2018, Adolfo Campos, Barraza Amanda, Enrique Jimenez, News, Taxation_news
The Tax Residence in Panama
By: Amanda Barraza de Wong, Associate, Tax Law With Panama being a jurisdiction whose tax system is based on the Principle of Territoriality, and whose economy revolves around financial, legal and logistic services… what policy should it have with regards to foreign capital? Certainly a policy for attracting direct foreign investment. Capital that provides financing
- Published in 2018, Barraza Amanda, Press Room, Publications, Taxation_news